Health and Safety Policy

Issue Date: 01 April 2023
Revision 10


HFG will achieve continual improvement in safety performance. The expectations established in this policy will define current practice.


HFG recognizes that a premier health and safety culture contributes to long-term shareholder value creation and that strong health and safety performance is both a core value and a common goal of HFG’s leadership and staff. All occupational injuries and illnesses are preventable. Our goal is to achieve a workplace free of recognized hazards, occupational injuries and illness. This Health & Safety Policy outlines our commitment to provide a safe and healthy workplace where our staff is empowered and expected to comply with the requirements of this policy.


* Consistent with our Corporate Core Values HFG will provide all services in a safe manner.

* HFG is committed to safety first above all, in relation to providing an injury-free workplace for all workers.

* Informed and involved workers are necessary participants in safety improvement efforts and decisions.

* HFG’s safety and health management system ensures that safety principles are embedded into our core business and processes; that appropriate standards, programs, and procedures are in place to guide the actions of our  workers; and that hazards and risks in our workplace are managed to a level as low as reasonably practicable, which expands on compliance and due diligence requirements.

* HFG will comply with all applicable regulatory requirements, and honor all safety and health commitments.

* We commit to the continuous improvement of our safety and health culture, through promoting risk awareness, at all levels in the organization. This is enabled through safety leadership training, and through the application of this policy.


Specifically, for our employees, contractors, and the public, HFG executives and managers will ensure that:

  • Clear and consistent expectations for worker safety and health performance and public safety are communicated and reinforced through specific responsibilities and direction for all employees, contractors, service providers; consequences for non-compliance with these expectations are managed in a manner consistent with our corporate principles.
  • The planning of work at all levels includes the identification and control of hazards in the workplace.
  • Identify and mitigate health and safety hazards arising from our activities
  • Workers are capable and competent to work safely, and are required to identify unsafe work so it can be corrected.
  • Workers will be assured of their ability to work in a harassment-free environment and have access to resources which facilitate their ability to perform their work.
  • Emergency response plans are in place to prevent injury and loss of life.
  • Safety and health performance and regulatory compliance is checked regularly and results are reported in a transparent manner and acted on effectively.
  • comply with or exceed all health and safety laws and regulations, requirements and industry standards applicable to our activities

  • ensure all personnel working on a location have the authority and responsibility to stop work without repercussion when an unsafe situation is recognized or suspected
  • ensure that our staff understands that working safely is a condition of employment and that all workers are responsible for their own health and safety as well as the health and safety of those around them
  • ensure the competency of our staff is maintained and provide our staff with training, knowledge and resources to achieve health and safety excellence
  • Commit to the continual improvement of our safety programs by setting health and safety objectives and targets, and measure and monitor our performance through regular inspections, audits and investigation of all incidents. Our investigations are designed to help us implement and communicate appropriate corrective actions geared towards lasting improvement.
  • commit to safe and courteous driving by complying with the Driver Distraction Practice
  • integrate health and safety into our business planning and decision making
  • commit to protect the health and safety of our staff and the public
  • commit to always doing what is right when it comes to the health and safety of our staff and the public; if it cannot be done safely it should not be done at all

Roles in FUlfilling this policy

Managers, supervisors and any other HFG worker who oversees,  instructs, directs or controls others in the conduct of work are responsible for:

  • ensuring that workers are properly trained and instructed to work safely
  • ensuring that workers have the appropriate tools and resources to undertake their work safely,
  • enforcing safe work procedures, applicable standards and regulations,
  • correcting all unsafe activities, and
  • being open and responsive to safety issues raised by workers or that arise from the work being overseen, and providing timely follow-up on those issues.

All workers are responsible for their own safety and the safety of their co- workers, contractors, and the public to the extent of their knowledge and control of safety and health hazards.  All workers are required to:

  • work safely,
  • know and follow all applicable safety rules and work procedures,
  • immediately correct or report unsafe conditions, equipment, activities and work practices to their manager or supervisor,
  • work cooperatively towards the prevention of incidents and occupational diseases.

HFG is committed to implementing this Health & Safety Policy by the active participation of our leadership and staff and through the integration of HSSE, our Health & Safety, Security and Environment Management System, into our day-to-day operations and decision-making processes.


Emergency Response

HFG, with support of the following supporting documentation will ensure workers are qualified and equipped for emergency response.

  • BC Workers Compensation Act
  • WorkSafeBC Occupational Health & Safety Regulation
  • APEGBC Professional Practice Guidelines
  • CAN/CSA Z731-M95 Emergency Planning for Industry
  • BC Emergency Response Management System